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The 8800b
Floppy Disk
The 680b
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with a wide selection of peripherals

Altair 8800 series microcomputers can be interfaced to a limitless number of peripheral devices. MITS peripherals include the Comter II (pictured here), Altair 80 column line printer, teletypewriter, and PROM programmer.

COMTER II. The Comter II is a low cost, versatile computer terminal. It is equipped with an ASCII keyboard and a 32 character display. Complete cursor control allows the Comter to move data in and out of the display from its own 256 byte memory. The Comter II has a built-in audiocassette interface and a data rate of 110 or 300 baud.

ALTAIR LINE PRINTER The Altair 110 Line Printer(pictured on the cover) is a desktop line printer that produces 80 columns of 5 x 7 dot matrix characters at 110 characters per second (70 lines per minute). The impact dot matrix prints bidirectionally, using a conventional teletypewriter ribbon. The Altair 110 will print up to three copies of any item, plus the original.

The Altair 110 Line Printer comes with complete control electronics including a printer control card that plugs directly into an Altair 8800 series microcomputer. It is fully compatible with Altair BASIC.

MITS offers a number of Teletype~ options including a standard ASR-33 Teletype. Contact the MITS factory for complete details. The CRT terminal on the front cover is a Lear Siegler terminal. Contact LSI for complete details.

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